Happy 6th Birthday Eclipse!

>> Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Eclipse is six years old today.

to wow!

Happy birthday!

Eclipse now available

>> Friday, October 26, 2007

Eclipse is now available.

Q. What is Eclipse

A. It is Eclipse 3.3.1 with six additonal bug fixes as listed in the readme

Eclipse is NOT

Q. How are fixes backported to a maintenance stream?

A. During each build we tag both the map files and the builder projects with the build id such as I20071023-0800. This insures that each build is repeatable. If we need to back port fixes to release, I just branch the releng project from the tag and the developers branch the relevant projects, release their code, and update their map in the new branch.

Q. Why do some of the features in have feature versions listed as 3.3.2?

A. The marketing name of "Eclipse" doesn't need to correspond to plugin and feature versions. We could start naming our releases in step with the hurricane names, for instance Eclipse Melissa. However, if you looked at the components of Eclipse Melissa, they would still adhere to the versioning numbering guidelines.

For instance, Eclipse has the following feature versions
cvs -> 1.0.1
equinox -> 3.3.1
jdt -> 3.3.1
pde -> 3.3.2
platform -> 3.3.2
rcp -> 3.3.2
sdk -> 3.3.2

When we release the first bug fix in a new stream of a release, we increment the service version of the bundle and the feature that contains it.

Now on to Eclipse 3.4M3 :-)

Stay out of the cold with the latest eclipse I-candy

>> Tuesday, March 13, 2007

After all the excitement of EclipseCon, I arrived home to realize that although Ottawa currently lacks Santa Clara's warm breezes and sunshine, spring is definitely on the way because ...
1) The melting snow decided to visit my basement
2) Eclipse 3.3 M6 is next week

M6 represents the API freeze for the Europa release of the top-level Eclipse project. In fact, at this juncture, teams must ask the PMC for approval to make API changes.

If you are adopting 3.3 components as part of the Europa release or for your commercial project, it's a good idea to take a look our integration builds, not just milestone builds. Consuming your dependancies each milestone means that you are in only in a position to understand changes after the milestone has shipped. Taking a look at the builds in the weeks leading up to a milestone allows you to provide feedback on new functionality through bugzilla or mailing lists, specify how it impacts your use case and offer to help out :-) while the code is still under development.

The latest integration build is available here.

Of course, as we gear down to the Europa release at the end of June, the number and scope of changes will start to wane. Why? Submitting major new functionality close to the shipping date puts the release at risk. We like to ship and then everyone takes vacation. It's a tradition around here.

To mitigate against the temptation to release risky code, the rules of engagment in an end game plan specify increasing levels of sign off and verification for changes as we march toward Europa release date. This ensures that there is a conversation among members of the team regarding whether a change should be implemented, the associated risks and the possible impact to downstream teams, instead of just one person with the fervent wish to close another bug.

The M6 build menu looks something like this...

  • Monday starts off with a series of builds toward a test candidate.

  • Tuesday is test day, where people test the Monday's test candidate.

  • Wednesday is another build day where teams submit fixes to the issues they discovered during the test pass.

  • Thursday we have a final build and then ask teams for sign off. Inevitably, there is a rebuild to address a late breaking issue.
  • Eclipse 3.3M5 now available

    >> Saturday, February 10, 2007

    As Dejan mentioned earlier, many people were anxiously waiting the release of Eclipse 3.3M5. Milestone week...end is always dramatic and the 2007 edition is no exception. Sexier forms, SWT on the splash, a new launcher, a shiny new pdebuild that fetches prebuilt bundles via http a la Orbit - M5 is more exciting than an astronaut love triangle.

    These and many other new goodies are documented in the New and Noteworthy.

    Download M5 from you friendly neigbourhood mirror.

    Who will make a splash at Eclipsecon 2007?

    >> Tuesday, January 30, 2007

    And by splash I don't mean who will jump in the hotel pool. Who will be the lucky ones to have their smiling faces appear in an Eclipse SDK vanity build? Last year it was Steve and the Netbeans girls In 2005, the winner of the Eclipsecon trivia contest had her own Daniela build. Whatever happens, it will be very exciting.

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