Good Eclipse Swag

>> Monday, November 30, 2009

I found this mug in the kitchen at work today. It has Eclipse key bindings on front

and back.

Now, all I need is a sandwich to go with this and I'd be set. From xkcd

Swag is rarely both useful and aesthetically appealing. This is both! Thanks itemis!

The end of a three year relationship: Goodbye bug 153429

>> Friday, November 27, 2009

This past week, the Eclipse and Equinox team released changes to support the use the JUnit 4 bundle in the Eclipse Test framework in bug 153429. This bug had over 75 people on the cc list and 40 votes to fix it. It was in my bucket for three years. It's finally fixed so now we and (you) can run your automated tests on JUnit 4.

The changes that we made to fix this bug are described in the wiki. John also sent a message to the cross project list.

I have worked on many bugs during my tenure at Eclipse. This was a tough one. It was very complex, and required a tremendous amount of testing. It was also very much a team effort.

I'd like to especially thank DJ Houghton for all his patches for the test harness and and test bundles. Also, DJ added the org.junit 4.7.0 bundle to Orbit which was very helpful. John Arthorne for fixing the p2 tests and all the good advice during this process. Dani Megert and Markus Keller for their changes to JDT. Darin Wright for his advice regarding PDE. Curtis Windatt for his changes to the pde ui tests. Andrew Niefer for the changes to the pde build tests. Other committers made minor changes to their test bundles to accommodate this change. Thank you!

Goodbye bug 153429. I won't miss you.

Committer Reps, we need your help

>> Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hi Boris, Chris, Doug and Ed

Hey, how's it going. I hope that you are all well.

Like a mall on Black Friday, around here it's peak Eclipse committing season. Lots of bugs to fix. Lots of builds to run. As you know, builds are quite a pain point at Eclipse. I'm excited about the possibilities in the b3 project to make things better. Building software is complex, and Eclipse is no exception. In additional to tooling to make builds easier, we need hardware to make builds faster. Our build today takes about five hours to complete, and an additional 6.5 hours for the tests to complete. Really, it's not pretty.

Many eclipse projects run their builds on Hudson on Hudson is fantastic because there's a rich set of plugins that you can use to enhance the functionality of your build. Also, since this server has local access to the filesystem for code checkouts, you're less prone to network errors which can break the build. It also has ldap integration with your commiter login so you can restrict your build configuration to the commiters on your project. In theory, if you need more build machines to run your build - you can use the Amazon EC2 plugin to provision more machines in the cloud, or other plugins to start builds on local slave machines. Good stuff.

However, one of the things that the foundation doesn't provide today is test machines. This means that we can't run our build at the Eclipse foundation. The Eclipse Project builds zips for 14 different platforms. We run JUnit tests on three native platforms: Windows, Linux and Mac. They are the most commonly downloaded platforms. We need test machines to ensure that we don't have any bugs specific to a platform. Why do our tests take so long? We have 54,000 JUnit tests. You don't produce quality software by skimping on tests.

This isn't just about the Eclipse and Equinox projects. This could be very useful for other projects, for instance, the XSL tools project has expressed interest in using test servers. In addition, these machines could be used as slaves machines for running the build in the event that the main Hudson server is too busy. If we had enough machines, we could run more tests in parallel and reduce the time it takes our build to complete. This would be a big win for the community and our committers.

One thing I investigated in running tests in the cloud. However, most cloud services don't have provide a way to run tests on Macs and we need to make sure that our Mac users are happy. If there is a way, I'd appreciate a link. In addition, one of the advantages of running tests on machines local to the filesystem is that we don't spend time copying stuff back and forth across the network. It's just there.

So, what I'm asking from you is at the next board meeting, please bring up the issue of funding test infrastructure at the Eclipse foundation. It might be even be an advertising opportunity for one of the member companies if they donated hardware. Other companies could donate money to pay for the additional rack space. I don't know right now what the final technical solution will be or what it will cost. All I'm asking right now is to start the conversation.

For many years, the Eclipse project has been criticized for not being open enough. Having our build process fully on servers would make us more open. It would also allow any of the Eclipse and Equinox project committers, regardless of company affiliation, to initiate a build. It we had enough hardware, our build could be faster and we could spend less time waiting for builds, and more time fixing bugs the builds reveal.

Please bring this issue up and the next board meeting.


P.S. Right now we have the following test machines and our tests take about 6-8 hours to complete. Obviously, if we had more machines running tests in parallel, the build would take less time.
1) JUnit: 2 linux, 2 windows, 1 mac, 1 test cvs server,
2) Performance: 2 windows, 2 linux, 1 database server

Happy Birthday some pictures from your youth

>> Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Saturday November 7th, 2009 is Eclipse's 8th birthday. Eight years ago the first Eclipse downloads were publicly available along with the source code.

Here's a picture of the first The website was slashdotted shortly after the "Eclipse is open source" announcement was made. The hard drive had to be replaced, thus the missing cover. This machine was replaced by a real server a few weeks later. A couple of years later, this was replaced by faster and more fault tolerant hardware managed by our most excellent webmasters.

I went through my desk the other day, and found some emails of the original requirements for the eclipse infrastructure, project structure and commit rights. A fast server has 512MB RAM and 20GB of disk space...really? Okay, I feel old.

Bugzilla was there from the start.

Some of the first mailing lists. A few disappeared but even more new ones were created. Today, we have eclipse on twitter, forums, conferences, marketplace, blogs and the list goes on. Pretty impressive!

In 2001, the linux kernel still fit on a floppy disk. It was useful to have a boot disk in the event that the boot partition became corrupted and the machine wouldn't boot. Much easier than booting from a rescue cd and mounting all the partitions by hand. Especially at 4am. Here's a picture for those who've never worked with a diskette (*ahem* co-ops :).

Initial project structure. Today we have so much much more.

The first commit rights - hello PDE family! Today we have an amazing diversity of committers from around the world and many companies. Eclipse also has friends, but would always like more....who doesn't?

In reality, the past doesn't matter that much, and we need to focus on the future. Sometimes I'm cynical about Eclipse, because as a long time committer, I notice that many people like to play (consume), but fewer want to pay (contribute). And to some degree we make it difficult to contribute without a significant investment of time and a steep learning curve. But most days, I'm absolutely amazed by the work that we as a community can do together, when smart, passionate people strive toward a common goal. Happy Birthday Eclipse!

Now I see IU, now IU don't

Eclipse 3.6M3 went out the door over the weekend, along with a lot of Halloween candy.

Sometimes, you can have too much Halloween candy. And sometimes, you can have too many IUs in your p2 repo. Don't believe me - just look at this repo with bogus bundles - scary!

Both scenarios can cause your friendly neighbourhood release engineer pain. This is unusual because we're a very pain tolerant people. To alleviate the suffering, the p2 team added an Ant task in 3.6M3 that allows you to remove bundles from your repo. As much as I love spending quality time at the command line modifying metadata, Ant tasks that automate tedious jobs are even better.

The p2.remove.iu task will remove both the metadata and the bundle from the repository for a specified IU. For example, if you had bogus packed* bundles in your repo, this task would remove them.

<repository location="file://${reposource}" />
<iu id="" artifacts="(format=packed)" />
<iu id="" artifacts="(format=packed)" />
<iu id="" artifacts="(format=packed)" />
<iu id="" artifacts="(format=packed)" />

This task is useful if you'd like to remove some built time bundles from your repo. Or just correct a mistake after a release. It happens. In any case, it's all good. Almost as tasty as chocolate.

Related bugs

Support excluding bundles when running p2.process.artifacts task
p2.remove.iu task should have an option to specify to remove packed file only
ICU jars at Eclipse 3.5 update site have size of 0

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