And the winner is.....

>> Monday, December 14, 2009

Eric Rizzo has won the December splash screen contest with this submission.

Congratulations! Thanks to all the contestants for submitting such creative artwork. The winning design will start appearing in tonight's build (N20091214-2000) and has been tagged for the integration build.

Vote now for your December Splash

>> Friday, December 11, 2009

Next week, we'll have the our final integration build before the end of 2009. What better way to end the year than with a custom splash screen? As usual, the very creative Eclipse community has stood up to the challenge with eight different designs for your consideration. Please vote here:

Direct link to poll.

The poll closes on Monday at 5 pm EST. I'll announce the winner on Monday and commit the winning splash. Good luck to all the contest entrants!

This contest is closing a bit earlier than expected because we shutdown our builds over the holiday season. Thus, we need to get the December splash into the integration build on December 15, 2009.

Eclipse and Equinox 3.6M4 now available

Ho ho ho.
Ho ho ho.
We are Eclipse's elves.

We are Eclipse's elves,
Filling mirrors with M4,
Another milestone out the door.

Oh, we are Eclipse's elves,
We work hard all day,
Debug and refactor is our play,
Bugs we stamp out,
Hurray, the community shouts!

We are Eclipse's elves,
We ship on time each year,
We don't like to brag,
Just sync, commit and tag,
Install new bundles without lag.

We all know who's been good,
Resolved the bugs you should,
Eclipse is you,
Grab a bug and become a committer too!

We are Eclipse's elves.
Ho ho ho. Ho ho ho.
We fix the code ourselves.
Ho Ho!

The Eclipse and Equinox team are happy to announce the release of the Eclipse 3.6M4 milestone.

New and noteworthy

Update to 3.6M4 by adding this site to your list of available sites

Equinox Downloads

Eclipse Downloads

Happy Holidays and New Year from the Eclipse and Equinox projects!

December splash screen contest: Prizes++

>> Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Last week, I announced the December splash screen contest. Since then, we've had some entries from Olivier Thomann. Very creative. Look at this

Or this.

We need more people to submit splash screens to to the contest. Here's the bug where you can submit your entry. It doesn't have to be a holiday theme, it can be whatever you'd like.

As an added bonus, the generous folks at the Eclipse foundation (hi Ian and Lynn) have offered to donate some eclipse bling to the prize pot. So the total prize package for the December splash screen contest will be

1. Friends of Eclipse membership
2. Eclipse t-shirt
3. $50 donation to Eclipse in your name

An Eclipse t-shirt? Does it give you special powers like the famous "three wolves t-shirt"?

I guess you'll have to enter the contest to find out. Fire up your favourite graphics editor and submit a splash screen to bug 296918

A tale of CVS, NFS and Swordplay

>> Friday, December 04, 2009

Earlier this year, the time that it took our builds to check out code from CVS had slowed to a crawl. Last year, our integration builds that started by 8am were available by noon. However, during the 3.6 cycle, most builds weren't ready until 2pm or even 4pm. Very painful, especially for our European committer friends. Not only were the builds slow, but it took a long time for us to commit code, and timeouts were frequent.

Denis and his merry band of webmasters determined that the source of the problem was twofold.

1) NFS configuration issues causing high CPU load on the servers. (Bug 288293)
2) Anonymous pserver users were holding the cvs lock files for a long time (Bug 293355)

Earlier this week, Denis fixed the NFS configuration issues. This had reduced the time it takes to check out our code significantly. Also, I haven't seen any CVS timeouts lately. Today, our 8am integration build was ready at noon. A big thank you to the webmasters! We are much more productive thanks to your work. Less swordplay while waiting for builds, and more time to fix bugs and implement new features. Again from xkcd.

Really, who doesn't love xkcd? It's so good.

Denis will change the anonymous pserver access to a mirrored copy of the CVS repository on December 11. He sent notes to the committers list with the details. The means that committers won't have to contend with anonymous users for cvs lock files if they check out code via ssh. Psever will be available on a separate file system, but sychronized with the live copy.

In preparation for this change, I modified our build scripts to check out our code using ssh, instead of anonymous pserver. However, our map files remain untouched so anyone can check out our code via pserver. The build scripts modify the map files after they have been checked out. We won't have to deal with file contention for CVS lock files. And ssh connections to have a higher QoS than pserver. Good stuff.

Most teams won't have to make any changes because they run their builds on These users will still pull from the live copy of the data via pserver. And the mirrored copy will be up to date. I'm just trying to do everything I can to avoid infrastructure issues that cause build failures.

See bug 294900 for the platform releng changes.

Make a splash in December

The Movember splash was a lot of fun. I'd like to open up submissions for a December splash screen. It will be released after M4. This contest is open from December 4-15. At that time, I'll start a poll and ask the community to vote on the splash screen. I'll commit the winning submission. What will you win? Eyeballs on your art. Respect of the community. Warm and fuzzy feelings. And I'll donate $50 to friends of Eclipse in your name.

The existing splash screen is in org.eclipse.platform in /cvsroot/eclipse. The file is splash.bmp. The photoshop files are in in the same project. Attach your entries to bug 296918

Nothing offensive please people. Go for it.

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