2014 USENIX Release Engineering Summit CFP now open

>> Monday, July 28, 2014

The CFP for the 2014 Release Engineering summit (Western edition) is now open.  The deadline for submissions is September 5, 2014 and speakers will be notified by September 19, 2014.  The program will be announced in late September.  This one day summit on all things release engineering will be held in concert with LISA, in Seattle on November 10, 2014. 

Seattle skyline © Howard Ignatius, https://flic.kr/p/6tQ3H Creative Commons by-nc-sa 2.0

From the CFP

"Suggestions for topics include (but are not limited to):
  • Best practices for release engineering
  • Practical information on specific aspects of release engineering (e.g., source code management, dependency management, packaging, unit tests, deployment)
  • Future challenges and opportunities in release engineering
  • Solutions for scalable end-to-end release processes
  • Scaling infrastructure and tools for high-volume continuous integration farms
  • War and horror stories
  • Metrics
  • Specific problems and solutions for specific markets (mobile, financial, cloud)
URES '14 West is looking for relevant and engaging speakers and workshop facilitators for our event on November 10, 2014, in Seattle, WA. URES brings together people from all areas of release engineering—release engineers, developers, managers, site reliability engineers, and others—to identify and help propose solutions for the most difficult problems in release engineering today."

War and horror stories. I like to see that in a CFP.  Describing how you overcame problems with  infrastructure and tooling to ship software are the best kinds of stories.  They make people laugh. Maybe cry as they realize they are currently living in that situation.  Good times.  Also, I think talks around scaling high volume continuous integration farms will be interesting.  Scaling issues are a lot of fun and expose many issues you don't see when you're only running a few builds a day. 

If you have any questions surrounding the CFP, I'm happy to help as I'm on the program committee.   (my irc nick is kmoir (#releng) as is my email id at mozilla.com)

Reminder: Release Engineering Special Issue submission deadline is August 1, 2014

>> Friday, July 18, 2014

Just a friendly reminder that the deadline for the Release Engineering Special Issue is August 1, 2014.  If you have any questions about the submission process or a topic that's you'd like to write about, the guest editors, including myself, are happy to help you!

Mozilla pushes - June 2014

Here's June 2014's  analysis of the pushes to our Mozilla development trees. You can load the data as an HTML page or as a json file

This was another record breaking month with a total of 12534 pushes.  As a note of interest, this is is over double the number of pushes we had in June 2013. So big kudos to everyone who helped us scale our infrastructure and tooling.  (Actually we had 6,433 pushes in April 2013 which would make this less than half because June 2013 was a bit of a dip.  But still impressive :-)

  • 12534 pushes
    • new record
  • 418 pushes/day (average)
    • new record
  • Highest number of pushes/day: 662 pushes on June 5, 2014
    • new record
  • Highest 23.17 pushes/hour (average)
    • new record

General Remarks
The introduction of Gaia-try in April has been very popular and comprised around 30% of pushes in June compared to 29% last month.
The Try branch itself consisted of around 38% of pushes.
The three integration repositories (fx-team, mozilla-inbound and b2g-inbound) account around 21% of all the pushes, compared to 22% in the previous month.

June 2014 was the month with most pushes (12534 pushes)
June 2014 has the highest pushes/day average with
418 pushes/day
June 2014 has the highest average of "pushes-per-hour" is
23.17 pushes/hour
June 4th, 2014 had the highest number of pushes in one day with
662 pushes

This week in Mozilla Releng - July 4, 2014

>> Friday, July 04, 2014

This is a special double issue of this week in releng. I was so busy in the last week that I didn't get a chance to post this last week.  Despite the fireworks for Canada Day and Independence Day,  Mozilla release engineering managed to close some bugs. 

Major highlights:

  • Armen, although he works on Ateam now, made blobber uploads discoverable and blogged about it.  Blobber is a server and client side set of tools that allow Releng's test infrastructure to upload files without requiring to deploy ssh keys on them. 
  • Callek and Coop, who served on buildduty during the past two weeks worked to address capacity issues with our test and build infrastructure.  We hit a record of 88,000 jobs yesterday which led to high pending counts.
  • Kim is trying to address the backlog of Android 2.3 test jobs  by moving more test jobs to AWS from our inhouse hardware now that Geoff on the Ateam has found a suitable image.
  • Rail switched jacuzzi EBS from magnetic to SSD.  Jacuzzis are similar pools of build machines  and switching their EBS storage from magnetic to SSD in AWS will improve build times.
 Completed work (resolution is 'FIXED'):
In progress work (unresolved and not assigned to nobody):

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