Reminder: Releng 2015 submissions due Friday, January 23

>> Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Just a reminder that submissions for the Releng 2015 conference are due this Friday, January 23. 

It will be held on May 19, 2015 in Florence Italy.

If you've done recent work like

  • migrating your build or test pipeline to the cloud
  • switching to a new build system
  • migrating to a new version control system
  • optimized your configuration management system or switched to a new one
  • implemented continuous integration for mobile devices
  • reduced end to end build times
  • or anything else build, release, configuration and test related
we'd love to hear from you.  Please consider submitting a talk!

In addition, if you have colleagues that work in this space that might have interesting topics to discuss at this workshop, please forward this information. I'm happy to talk to people about the submission process or possible topics if there are questions.

Il Duomo di Firenze by ©eddi_07, Creative Commons by-nc-sa 2.0

Sono nel comitato che organizza la conferenza Releng 2015 che si terrà il 19 Maggio 2015 a Firenze. La scadenza per l’invio dei paper è il 23 Gennaio 2015.

se avete competenze in:
  • migrazione del sistema di build o dei test nel cloud
  • aggiornamento del processo di build
  • migrazione ad un nuovo sistema di version control
  • ottimizzazione o aggiornamento del configuration management system
  • implementazione di un sistema di continuos integration per dispositivi mobili
  • riduzione dei tempi di build
  • qualsiasi cambiamento che abbia migliorato il sistema di build/test/release
e volete discutere della vostra esperienza, inviateci una proposta di talk!

Per favore inoltrate questa richiesta ai vostri colleghi e alle persone interessate a questi argomenti. Nel caso ci fossero domande sul processo di invio o sui temi di discussione, non esitate a contattarmi.

(Thanks Massimo for helping with the Italian translation).

More information
Releng 2015 web page
Releng 2015 CFP now open

Mozilla pushes - December 2014

>> Thursday, January 08, 2015

Here's December 2014's monthly analysis of the pushes to our Mozilla development trees. You can load the data as an HTML page or as a json file.

There was a low number of pushes this month.  I expect this is due to the Mozilla all-hands in Portland in early December where we were encouraged to meet up with other teams instead of coding :-) and the holidays at the end of the month for many countries.
As as side node, in 2014 we had a total number of 124423 pushes, compared to 79233 in 2013 which represents a growth rate of 57% this year.

7836 pushes
253 pushes/day (average)
Highest number of pushes/day: 706 pushes on Dec 17, 2014
15.25 pushes/hour (highest)

General Remarks
Try had around around 46% of all the pushes
The three integration repositories (fx-team, mozilla-inbound and b2g-inbound) account around 23% of all of the pushes

August 2014 was the month with most pushes (13,090  pushes)
August 2014 has the highest pushes/day average with 422 pushes/day
July 2014 has the highest average of "pushes-per-hour" with 23.51 pushes/hour
October 8, 2014 had the highest number of pushes in one day with 715 pushes 

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