Test job reduction by the numbers

>> Tuesday, June 16, 2015

In an earlier post,  I wrote how we had reduced the amount of test jobs that run on two branches to allow us to scale our infrastructure more effectively.  We run the tests that historically identify regressions more often.  The ones that don't, we skip on every Nth push.  We now have data on how this reduced the number of jobs we run since we began implementation in April.

We run SETA on two branches (mozilla-inbound and fx-team) and on 18 types of builds.  Collectively, these two branches represent about 20% of pushes each month.  Implementing SETA allowed us to move  from ~400 -> ~240 jobs per push on these two branches1 We run the tests identified as not reporting regressions on every 10th commit or 90 minutes since the last test was scheduled.  We run the critical tests on every commit.2

Reduction in number of jobs per push on mozilla-inbound as SETA scheduling is rolled out

A graph for the fx-team branch shows a similar trend. It was a staged rollout starting in early April, as I enabled platforms and as the SETA data became available. The dip in early June reflects where I enabled SETA for Android 4.3.

This data will continue to be updated in our scheduling configuration as it evolves and is updated by the code that Joel and Vaibhav wrote to analyze regressions. The analysis identifies that there were

Jobs to ignore: 440
Jobs to run: 114
Total number of jobs: 554

which is significant.  Our buildbot configurations are updated the latest SETA data with every reconfig, which occurs usually occurs every couple of days.

The platforms configured to run fewer tests for both opt and debug are

        MacOSX (10.6, 10.10)
        Windows (XP, 7, 8)
        Ubuntu 12.04 for linux32, linux64 and ASAN x64
        Android 2.3 armv7 API 9
        Android 4.3 armv7 API 11+

Additional info
1Tests may have been disabled/added at the same time,  this is not taken into account
2There still some scheduling issues to be fixed see bug 1174870  and bug 1174746 for further details

Mozilla pushes - May 2015

>> Friday, June 12, 2015

Here's May 2015's monthly analysis of the pushes to our Mozilla development trees. You can load the data as an HTML page or as a json file.


The number of pushes decreased from those recorded in the previous month (8894) with a total of 8363. 


  • 8363 pushes
  • 270 pushes/day (average)
  • Highest number of pushes/day: 445 pushes on May 21, 2015
  • 16.03 pushes/hour (highest average)

General Remarks
  • Try has around 62% of all the pushes now
  • The three integration repositories (fx-team, mozilla-inbound and b2g-inbound) account around 27% of all the pushes.

  • August 2014 was the month with most pushes (13090  pushes)
  • August 2014 had the highest pushes/day average with 422 pushes/day
  • July 2014 had the highest average of "pushes-per-hour" with 23.51 pushes/hour
  • October 8, 2014 had the highest number of pushes in one day with 715 pushes 

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