Eclipse now available
>> Friday, October 26, 2007
Eclipse is now available.
Q. What is Eclipse
A. It is Eclipse 3.3.1 with six additonal bug fixes as listed in the readme
Eclipse is NOT
- Eclipse 3.3.1: Extended edition
- Eclipse 3.3.2
- Platform 9 3/4
Q. How are fixes backported to a maintenance stream?
A. During each build we tag both the map files and the builder projects with the build id such as I20071023-0800. This insures that each build is repeatable. If we need to back port fixes to release, I just branch the releng project from the tag and the developers branch the relevant projects, release their code, and update their map in the new branch.
Q. Why do some of the features in have feature versions listed as 3.3.2?
A. The marketing name of "Eclipse" doesn't need to correspond to plugin and feature versions. We could start naming our releases in step with the hurricane names, for instance Eclipse Melissa. However, if you looked at the components of Eclipse Melissa, they would still adhere to the versioning numbering guidelines.
For instance, Eclipse has the following feature versions
cvs -> 1.0.1
equinox -> 3.3.1
jdt -> 3.3.1
pde -> 3.3.2
platform -> 3.3.2
rcp -> 3.3.2
sdk -> 3.3.2
When we release the first bug fix in a new stream of a release, we increment the service version of the bundle and the feature that contains it.
Now on to Eclipse 3.4M3 :-)